Thursday 31 May 2012

Reasons Why Google Banned Your Website– Penguin Update- SEO 2012

If you’re updated with the latest news about SEO world and Google updates, I am sure that you already knew about the main reason why website usually banned because of having a low value of quality linksor unethical strategy.

Surprisingly,  iAcquire was banned by Google from purchasing paid links for their clients. iAcquire is known  as the biggest SEO agency that works with  large companies.  Unfortunately it is now banned by Google 1 week ago because of overpriced services of link buying strategy.   (read more )

Some webmaster can’t blame iAquire for buying links because clients are expecting instant results.  Even some of big names in SEO services are also doing it.  

Some are asking, what if you’re competitor has these 10 people to report your website in Google? Does Google gives an automatically action to banned your website without weighing what is reality?    

With this news, we should really be careful in SEOing our websites because Google frequently updating.

We seek with the safest and still effective link building strategy.

White Hat SEO? Or Grey Hat?

White link builders says:

Yes! That’s what I am talking about! My competitors who keep on doing an evil grey hat will someday noticed by Google.  Even if they have big investment doing it, I will someday get on the top searches.  The good thing with this is I can totally sleep sweet at night without worrying.  I am sure that Gods of Google will give me rewards  …


Millions of webmasters keep doing “Grey hat strategy” to take risk without worrying with the future of Google updates. There are many of them have succeeded on top and earned tons of money; because of it, they are now contented with doing “Grey hat strategy”.  The advantage of these grey hat link builders is the knowledge of what they have learned and when will they get penalized. They will start again with their experiment but will create link building intelligently.   There are many webmasters keep on experimenting how to catch the easiest way to be on top

Penguin Update : (Observation of Some Webmasters):

Lot of webmasters hates the penguin update.
Some websites are punished because of paid links. Some doing paid links but still on top.
Penguin also hit some innocent sites, along with a lot of spammy ones.

Paid links? Why? – I think it’s only forbidden when you obviously keep on linking with many blogroll links or purchasing links not related to your website & buying links to the website that get deindexed. But if you have relevant article content with one of your keyword(anchor txt) e.i for post paidt or guest blog post in a relevant/trusted  websites/blog  are the safest way to do. – ces, webmaster says.

Feel free to comment voice out your idea about SEO penguin.