Monday, 18 July 2016

Magufuli set to grace local Albinism Day

Speaking to reporters from various Media Houses in Dar es Salaam, the Chairperson of Tanzania Albinism Society (TAS), Mr Nemes Temba, said despite the anniversary, skin cancer is a major challenge to People with Albinism in Tanzania.
He said the problem of skin cancer, which is caused by sun radiation, is due to the limited understanding of people who care for People with Albinism because they don’t know how to treat them.
“According to the findings, out of 10 people with albinism nine have the problem of skin cancer. So it is believed that 90 per cent of People with Albinism suffer from skin cancer,” he said.
Mr Temba said the problem is getting bigger due to shortage of medication and efforts directed at preventing skin cancer especially in rural areas. “So, I ask the government to establish clinics that will enlighten people with albinism in each region on how to avoid skin cancer,” he added.
Explaining on the anniversary, the Secretary of TAS, Mr Mussa Kabimba, said the event will officially be launched on June 11 and the climax will be on the third day where the President is expected to be guest of honour.
He said the theme of the anniversary of this year is, ‘The right to participation, right to inclusion; Children with albinism be heard and be protected’. According to him, the event will be enlivened by a debate hosted by the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance.